s390 weekly builds are failing, unable to download d-i
(too old to reply)
Steve McIntyre
2011-04-25 12:20:02 UTC
----- Forwarded message from cdimage creator role <debian-***@pettersson.debian.org> -----

From: cdimage creator role <debian-***@pettersson.debian.org>
Date: Mon, 25 Apr 2011 08:59:58 +0000
To: ***@einval.com
Subject: testingcds Bsids390 has failed; log included
X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 3.3.1 (2010-03-16) on cheddar.halon.org.uk
X-Spam-Status: No, score=-1.9 required=5.0 tests=BAYES_00 autolearn=ham

Error when trying to create cds for Bsids390
Mon Apr 25 08:58:57 UTC 2011: Using CONF from /home/debian-cd/build/CONF.sh.
rm -rf /org/cdbuilder.debian.org/src/deb-cd/tmp/Bsids390/wheezy/CD[1234567890]*
rm -rf /org/cdbuilder.debian.org/src/deb-cd/tmp/Bsids390/wheezy/tasks
rm -f /org/cdbuilder.debian.org/src/deb-cd/tmp/Bsids390/wheezy/*.filelist*
rm -f /org/cdbuilder.debian.org/src/deb-cd/tmp/Bsids390/wheezy/packages-stamp /org/cdbuilder.debian.org/src/deb-cd/tmp/Bsids390/wheezy/upgrade-stamp /org/cdbuilder.debian.org/src/deb-cd/tmp/Bsids390/wheezy/md5-check
echo "Cleaning the build directory"
Cleaning the build directory
rm -rf /org/cdbuilder.debian.org/src/deb-cd/tmp/Bsids390/apt
rm -rf /org/cdbuilder.debian.org/src/deb-cd/tmp/Bsids390
mkdir -p /org/cdbuilder.debian.org/src/deb-cd/tmp/Bsids390
mkdir -p /org/cdbuilder.debian.org/src/deb-cd/tmp/Bsids390/wheezy
mkdir -p /org/cdbuilder.debian.org/src/deb-cd/tmp/Bsids390/apt
echo "Updating task files..."
Updating task files...
mkdir -p /org/cdbuilder.debian.org/src/deb-cd/tmp/Bsids390/wheezy/tasks
echo "- copying task files from 'tasks/sid/'"
- copying task files from 'tasks/sid/'
cp -r /home/debian-cd/build/debian-cd/tasks/wheezy/* /org/cdbuilder.debian.org/src/deb-cd/tmp/Bsids390/wheezy/tasks
echo "- copying firwmare task file from 'tasks/firmware'"
- copying firwmare task file from 'tasks/firmware'
cp -r /home/debian-cd/build/debian-cd/tasks/firmware /org/cdbuilder.debian.org/src/deb-cd/tmp/Bsids390/wheezy/tasks
echo "- task.languages: using 'tasks/sid/tasksel_d-i.languages'"
- task.languages: using 'tasks/sid/tasksel_d-i.languages'
cp /home/debian-cd/build/debian-cd/tasks/sid/tasksel_d-i.languages \
echo "- generating dynamic task files"
- generating dynamic task files
set -e; cd /org/cdbuilder.debian.org/src/deb-cd/tmp/Bsids390/wheezy/tasks; \
/home/debian-cd/build/debian-cd/tools/update_tasks; \
/home/debian-cd/build/debian-cd/tools/generate_di_list; \
Use of uninitialized value in split at /home/debian-cd/build/debian-cd/tools/generate_di_list line 21.
Missing package file for s390/contrib.
date '+%Y%m%d' > /org/cdbuilder.debian.org/src/deb-cd/tmp/Bsids390/wheezy/DATE
dpkg -x /org/cdbuilder.debian.org/src/ftp/debian/pool/main/d/debootstrap/debootstrap_1.0.29_all.deb /org/cdbuilder.debian.org/src/deb-cd/tmp/Bsids390/wheezy/debootstrap
if [ ! -e /org/cdbuilder.debian.org/src/deb-cd/tmp/Bsids390/wheezy/debootstrap/usr/lib/debootstrap ] ; then \
ln -sf share /org/cdbuilder.debian.org/src/deb-cd/tmp/Bsids390/wheezy/debootstrap/usr/lib ; \
if [ ! -d /home/debian-cd/build/debian-cd/data/sid ] ; then \
ln -s wheezy /home/debian-cd/build/debian-cd/data/sid ; \
if [ ! -d /home/debian-cd/build/debian-cd/tools/boot/sid ] ; then \
ln -s wheezy /home/debian-cd/build/debian-cd/tools/boot/sid ; \
for ARCH in s390; do \
echo "Using the provided status file for wheezy-$ARCH ..."; \
cp /home/debian-cd/build/debian-cd/data/wheezy/status.$ARCH /org/cdbuilder.debian.org/src/deb-cd/tmp/Bsids390/apt/wheezy-$ARCH/status 2>/dev/null || make status || make correctstatus ; \
Using the provided status file for wheezy-s390 ...
make[1]: Entering directory `/srv/cdbuilder.debian.org/build/debian-cd'
dpkg -x /org/cdbuilder.debian.org/src/ftp/debian/pool/main/d/debootstrap/debootstrap_1.0.29_all.deb /org/cdbuilder.debian.org/src/deb-cd/tmp/Bsids390/wheezy/debootstrap
if [ ! -e /org/cdbuilder.debian.org/src/deb-cd/tmp/Bsids390/wheezy/debootstrap/usr/lib/debootstrap ] ; then \
ln -sf share /org/cdbuilder.debian.org/src/deb-cd/tmp/Bsids390/wheezy/debootstrap/usr/lib ; \
if [ ! -d /home/debian-cd/build/debian-cd/data/sid ] ; then \
ln -s wheezy /home/debian-cd/build/debian-cd/data/sid ; \
if [ ! -d /home/debian-cd/build/debian-cd/tools/boot/sid ] ; then \
ln -s wheezy /home/debian-cd/build/debian-cd/tools/boot/sid ; \
Generating a fake status file for apt-get and apt-cache...
for ARCH in s390; do \
mkdir -p /org/cdbuilder.debian.org/src/deb-cd/tmp/Bsids390/apt/wheezy-$ARCH/apt/preferences.d; \
if [ $ARCH = "source" -o "B" = "1" -o "B" = "2" -o "B" = "C" ];then \
:> /org/cdbuilder.debian.org/src/deb-cd/tmp/Bsids390/apt/wheezy-$ARCH/status ; \
else \
zcat /org/cdbuilder.debian.org/src/ftp/debian/dists/wheezy/main/binary-$ARCH/Packages.gz | \
perl -000 -ne 's/^(Package: .*)$/$1\nStatus: install ok installed/m; print if (/^Priority: (required|important|standard)/m or /^Section: base/m);' \
/org/cdbuilder.debian.org/src/deb-cd/tmp/Bsids390/apt/wheezy-$ARCH/status ; \
fi; \
:> /org/cdbuilder.debian.org/src/deb-cd/tmp/Bsids390/apt/status
for ARCH in s390; do \
export ARCH=$ARCH; \
/home/debian-cd/build/debian-cd/tools/apt-selection update; \
Ign file:/org/cdbuilder.debian.org/src/ftp/debian/ wheezy/contrib Translation-en
Get:1 file: wheezy Release.gpg [836 B]
Ign file:/org/cdbuilder.debian.org/src/ftp/debian/ wheezy/main Translation-en
Ign file:/org/cdbuilder.debian.org/src/ftp/debian/ sid/main/debian-installer Translation-en
Get:2 file: sid Release.gpg [836 B]
Get:3 file: wheezy Release [119 kB]
Get:4 file: sid Release [151 kB]
Ign file: wheezy Release
Ign file: sid Release
Reading package lists...
W: GPG error: file: wheezy Release: No keyring installed in /org/cdbuilder.debian.org/src/deb-cd/tmp/Bsids390/apt/wheezy-s390/apt/trusted.gpg.d/.
W: GPG error: file: sid Release: No keyring installed in /org/cdbuilder.debian.org/src/deb-cd/tmp/Bsids390/apt/wheezy-s390/apt/trusted.gpg.d/.
for ARCH in s390; do \
export ARCH=$ARCH; \
/home/debian-cd/build/debian-cd/tools/apt-selection check || make correctstatus; \
Reading package lists...
Building dependency tree...
You might want to run 'apt-get -f install' to correct these.
The following packages have unmet dependencies:
bind9-host : Depends: libisccfg62 (= 1:9.7.3.dfsg-1+b1) but it is not installed
dnsutils : Depends: libisccfg62 (= 1:9.7.3.dfsg-1+b1) but it is not installed
iptables : Depends: libnfnetlink0 (>= 1.0.0) but it is not installed
libbind9-60 : Depends: libisccfg62 but it is not installed
libdns69 : Depends: libgeoip1 (>= 1.4.7+dfsg) but it is not installed
libedit2 : Depends: libbsd0 (>= 0.0) but it is not installed
mutt : Depends: libgpgme11 (>= 1.2.0) but it is not installed
python-apt : Depends: python-apt-common but it is not installed
python2.6 : Depends: libexpat1 (>= 1.95.8) but it is not installed
rpcbind : Depends: insserv (>= 1.14.0-2.1) but it is not installed or
file-rc but it is not installed
Conflicts: portmap
s390-tools : Depends: gawk but it is not installed
sysv-rc : Depends: insserv (> 1.12.0-10) but it is not installed
E: Unmet dependencies. Try using -f.
make[2]: Entering directory `/srv/cdbuilder.debian.org/build/debian-cd'
dpkg -x /org/cdbuilder.debian.org/src/ftp/debian/pool/main/d/debootstrap/debootstrap_1.0.29_all.deb /org/cdbuilder.debian.org/src/deb-cd/tmp/Bsids390/wheezy/debootstrap
if [ ! -e /org/cdbuilder.debian.org/src/deb-cd/tmp/Bsids390/wheezy/debootstrap/usr/lib/debootstrap ] ; then \
ln -sf share /org/cdbuilder.debian.org/src/deb-cd/tmp/Bsids390/wheezy/debootstrap/usr/lib ; \
if [ ! -d /home/debian-cd/build/debian-cd/data/sid ] ; then \
ln -s wheezy /home/debian-cd/build/debian-cd/data/sid ; \
if [ ! -d /home/debian-cd/build/debian-cd/tools/boot/sid ] ; then \
ln -s wheezy /home/debian-cd/build/debian-cd/tools/boot/sid ; \
if [ "s390" != "source" ] ; then \
for ARCH in s390; do \
echo "Apt-get is updating its files ..."; \
ARCH=$ARCH /home/debian-cd/build/debian-cd/tools/apt-selection update; \
done; \
Apt-get is updating its files ...
Ign file:/org/cdbuilder.debian.org/src/ftp/debian/ wheezy/contrib Translation-en
Get:1 file: wheezy Release.gpg [836 B]
Ign file:/org/cdbuilder.debian.org/src/ftp/debian/ wheezy/main Translation-en
Ign file:/org/cdbuilder.debian.org/src/ftp/debian/ sid/main/debian-installer Translation-en
Get:2 file: sid Release.gpg [836 B]
Get:3 file: wheezy Release [119 kB]
Get:4 file: sid Release [151 kB]
Ign file: wheezy Release
Ign file: sid Release
Reading package lists...
W: GPG error: file: wheezy Release: No keyring installed in /org/cdbuilder.debian.org/src/deb-cd/tmp/Bsids390/apt/wheezy-s390/apt/trusted.gpg.d/.
W: GPG error: file: sid Release: No keyring installed in /org/cdbuilder.debian.org/src/deb-cd/tmp/Bsids390/apt/wheezy-s390/apt/trusted.gpg.d/.
set -e; \
if [ "s390" != "source" ] ; then \
for ARCH in s390; do \
export ARCH=$ARCH; \
for i in `/home/debian-cd/build/debian-cd/tools/apt-selection deselected -f install`; do \
echo $ARCH:$i; \
perl -i -000 -ne "print unless /^Package: \Q$i\E/m" \
/org/cdbuilder.debian.org/src/deb-cd/tmp/Bsids390/apt/wheezy-$ARCH/status; \
done; \
done; \
set -e; \
if [ "s390" != "source" ] ; then \
for ARCH in s390; do \
export ARCH=$ARCH; \
for i in `/home/debian-cd/build/debian-cd/tools/apt-selection selected -f install`; do \
echo $ARCH:$i; \
/home/debian-cd/build/debian-cd/tools/apt-selection cache dumpavail | perl -000 -ne \
"s/^(Package: .*)\$/\$1\nStatus: install ok installed/m; \
print if /^Package: \Q$i\E\s*\$/m;" \
/org/cdbuilder.debian.org/src/deb-cd/tmp/Bsids390/apt/wheezy-$ARCH/status; \
done; \
done; \
for ARCH in s390; do \
ARCH=$ARCH /home/debian-cd/build/debian-cd/tools/apt-selection check; \
Reading package lists...
Building dependency tree...
make[2]: Leaving directory `/srv/cdbuilder.debian.org/build/debian-cd'
make[1]: Leaving directory `/srv/cdbuilder.debian.org/build/debian-cd'
... checking your mirror
/home/debian-cd/build/debian-cd/tools/grab_md5 /org/cdbuilder.debian.org/src/ftp/debian "s390" wheezy sid /org/cdbuilder.debian.org/src/deb-cd/tmp/Bsids390/wheezy/md5-check
Looking in /org/cdbuilder.debian.org/src/ftp/debian/dists/wheezy/ /org/cdbuilder.debian.org/src/ftp/debian/dists/sid/
Using MD5 sums from Packages files:
/org/cdbuilder.debian.org/src/ftp/debian/dists/wheezy/contrib/binary-s390/Packages.gz /org/cdbuilder.debian.org/src/ftp/debian/dists/wheezy/main/binary-s390/Packages.gz /org/cdbuilder.debian.org/src/ftp/debian/dists/wheezy/main/debian-installer/binary-s390/Packages.gz /org/cdbuilder.debian.org/src/ftp/debian/dists/wheezy/non-free/binary-s390/Packages.gz /org/cdbuilder.debian.org/src/ftp/debian/dists/wheezy/non-free/debian-installer/binary-s390/Packages.gz /org/cdbuilder.debian.org/src/ftp/debian/dists/sid/contrib/binary-s390/Packages.gz /org/cdbuilder.debian.org/src/ftp/debian/dists/sid/main/binary-s390/Packages.gz /org/cdbuilder.debian.org/src/ftp/debian/dists/sid/main/debian-installer/binary-s390/Packages.gz /org/cdbuilder.debian.org/src/ftp/debian/dists/sid/non-free/binary-s390/Packages.gz /org/cdbuilder.debian.org/src/ftp/debian/dists/sid/non-free/debian-installer/binary-s390/Packages.gz
Using MD5 sums from d-i: /org/cdbuilder.debian.org/src/ftp/debian/dists/sid/main/installer-s390/20110106+b1/images/MD5SUMS
for ARCH in s390; do \
if [ -e /home/debian-cd/build/debian-cd/data/wheezy/$ARCH/extra-sources ]; then \
echo "Extra dedicated source added; need to grab source MD5 info too"; \
/home/debian-cd/build/debian-cd/tools/grab_md5 /org/cdbuilder.debian.org/src/ftp/debian source wheezy sid /org/cdbuilder.debian.org/src/deb-cd/tmp/Bsids390/wheezy/md5-check; \
fi; \
... building the images; using target(s) "official_images"
Building all available jigdos and all available isos for s390 xfce+lxde-CD
dpkg -x /org/cdbuilder.debian.org/src/ftp/debian/pool/main/d/debootstrap/debootstrap_1.0.29_all.deb /org/cdbuilder.debian.org/src/deb-cd/tmp/Bsids390/wheezy/debootstrap
if [ ! -e /org/cdbuilder.debian.org/src/deb-cd/tmp/Bsids390/wheezy/debootstrap/usr/lib/debootstrap ] ; then \
ln -sf share /org/cdbuilder.debian.org/src/deb-cd/tmp/Bsids390/wheezy/debootstrap/usr/lib ; \
if [ ! -d /home/debian-cd/build/debian-cd/data/sid ] ; then \
ln -s wheezy /home/debian-cd/build/debian-cd/data/sid ; \
if [ ! -d /home/debian-cd/build/debian-cd/tools/boot/sid ] ; then \
ln -s wheezy /home/debian-cd/build/debian-cd/tools/boot/sid ; \
if [ "s390" != "source" ] ; then \
for ARCH in s390; do \
echo "Apt-get is updating its files ..."; \
ARCH=$ARCH /home/debian-cd/build/debian-cd/tools/apt-selection update; \
done; \
Apt-get is updating its files ...
Ign file:/org/cdbuilder.debian.org/src/ftp/debian/ wheezy/contrib Translation-en
Get:1 file: wheezy Release.gpg [836 B]
Ign file:/org/cdbuilder.debian.org/src/ftp/debian/ wheezy/main Translation-en
Ign file:/org/cdbuilder.debian.org/src/ftp/debian/ sid/main/debian-installer Translation-en
Get:2 file: sid Release.gpg [836 B]
Get:3 file: wheezy Release [119 kB]
Get:4 file: sid Release [151 kB]
Ign file: wheezy Release
Ign file: sid Release
Reading package lists...
W: GPG error: file: wheezy Release: No keyring installed in /org/cdbuilder.debian.org/src/deb-cd/tmp/Bsids390/apt/wheezy-s390/apt/trusted.gpg.d/.
W: GPG error: file: sid Release: No keyring installed in /org/cdbuilder.debian.org/src/deb-cd/tmp/Bsids390/apt/wheezy-s390/apt/trusted.gpg.d/.
if [ ""x != "yes"x ] ; then \
if [ "B"x = "1"x ] ; then \
: ; \
elif [ "B"x = "2"x -o "B"x = "C"x ] ; then \
echo -e "mawk" >>/org/cdbuilder.debian.org/src/deb-cd/tmp/Bsids390/wheezy/rawlist; \
else \
echo -e "mawk\nexim4-daemon-light" >>/org/cdbuilder.debian.org/src/deb-cd/tmp/Bsids390/wheezy/rawlist; \
fi; \
if [ ""x != "yes"x ] ; then \
if [ _B != _1 ]; then \
for ARCH in s390; do \
BINCLUDE=`[ -n "" ] && cat | tr "\n" "," | sed 's!,$!!g'`; \
[ -z "$BINCLUDE" ] || BINCLUDE="--include=$BINCLUDE"; \
BEXCLUDE=`[ -n "" ] && cat | tr "\n" "," | sed 's!,$!!g'`; \
[ -z "$BEXCLUDE" ] || BEXCLUDE="--exclude=$BEXCLUDE"; \
debootstrap --arch $ARCH \
--print-debs \
wheezy \
/org/cdbuilder.debian.org/src/deb-cd/tmp/Bsids390/debootstrap.tmp \
file:/org/cdbuilder.debian.org/src/ftp/debian \
2>/dev/null \
| tr ' ' '\n' > /org/cdbuilder.debian.org/src/deb-cd/tmp/Bsids390/wheezy/debootstrap-list; \
cat /org/cdbuilder.debian.org/src/deb-cd/tmp/Bsids390/wheezy/debootstrap-list >>/org/cdbuilder.debian.org/src/deb-cd/tmp/Bsids390/wheezy/rawlist; \
rm -rf /org/cdbuilder.debian.org/src/deb-cd/tmp/Bsids390/debootstrap.tmp; \
done; \
fi; \
for ARCH in s390; do \
ARCHDEFS="$ARCHDEFS -D ARCH_`echo $ARCH | sed 's/-/_/'`"; \
done; \
for VARIANT in ; do \
done; \
if [ ""x != "0"x ] ; then \
fi; \
if [ ""x = "1"x ] ; then \
fi; \
if [ ""x != "yes"x ] ; then \
cat /org/cdbuilder.debian.org/src/deb-cd/tmp/Bsids390/wheezy/tasks/Debian-light | \
cpp -nostdinc -nostdinc++ -P -undef $ARCHDEFS $VARIANTDEFS\
$ARCHUNDEFS -U i386 -U linux -U unix \
-I /org/cdbuilder.debian.org/src/deb-cd/tmp/Bsids390/wheezy/tasks - - >> /org/cdbuilder.debian.org/src/deb-cd/tmp/Bsids390/wheezy/rawlist; \
cc1: warning: command line option "-nostdinc++" is valid for C++/ObjC++ but not for C
cc1: warning: command line option "-nostdinc++" is valid for C++/ObjC++ but not for C
if [ ""x = "yes"x ] ; then \
awk '/^Package:/ {print $2}' /org/cdbuilder.debian.org/src/deb-cd/tmp/Bsids390/apt/wheezy-source/apt-state/lists/*Sources | \
sort -u > /org/cdbuilder.debian.org/src/deb-cd/tmp/Bsids390/wheezy/rawlist; \
Generating the complete list of packages to be included in /org/cdbuilder.debian.org/src/deb-cd/tmp/Bsids390/wheezy/list...
perl -ne 'chomp; next if /^\s*$/; \
print "$_\n" if not $seen{$_}; $seen{$_}++;' \
/org/cdbuilder.debian.org/src/deb-cd/tmp/Bsids390/wheezy/rawlist \
for ARCH in s390; do \
ARCH=$ARCH /home/debian-cd/build/debian-cd/tools/sort_deps /org/cdbuilder.debian.org/src/deb-cd/tmp/Bsids390/wheezy/list; \
Running sort_deps to sort packages for s390:
Generating dependency tree with apt-cache depends...
Adding standard, required, important and base packages first
S/R/I/B packages take 103471840 bytes
Adding the rest of the requested packages
Now up to 31322304566 bytes
COMPLETE=1; add all remaining packages
Done: processed/sorted 29439 packages, total size 31324827790 bytes.
if [ ""x = "yes"x ] ; then \
/home/debian-cd/build/debian-cd/tools/grab_source_list /org/cdbuilder.debian.org/src/deb-cd/tmp/Bsids390/wheezy /org/cdbuilder.debian.org/src/deb-cd/tmp/Bsids390/apt /org/cdbuilder.debian.org/src/deb-cd/tmp/Bsids390/wheezy/list /org/cdbuilder.debian.org/src/deb-cd/tmp/Bsids390/wheezy/packages; \
else \
/home/debian-cd/build/debian-cd/tools/merge_package_lists /org/cdbuilder.debian.org/src/deb-cd/tmp/Bsids390/wheezy /org/cdbuilder.debian.org/src/deb-cd/tmp/Bsids390/apt "s390" /org/cdbuilder.debian.org/src/deb-cd/tmp/Bsids390/wheezy/packages; \
if [ ""x = "yes"x ] ; then \
grep ^source /org/cdbuilder.debian.org/src/deb-cd/tmp/Bsids390/wheezy/packages > /org/cdbuilder.debian.org/src/deb-cd/tmp/Bsids390/wheezy/packages.source; \
/home/debian-cd/build/debian-cd/tools/make_disc_trees.pl /home/debian-cd/build/debian-cd /org/cdbuilder.debian.org/src/ftp/debian /org/cdbuilder.debian.org/src/deb-cd/tmp/Bsids390 wheezy "s390" "/home/debian-cd/build/debian-cd/../genisoimage" "-joliet-long -jigdo-template-compress bzip2 -r -checksum_algorithm_iso md5,sha1,sha256,sha512 -jigdo-min-file-size 1024 -jigdo-exclude 'README*' -jigdo-exclude /doc/ -jigdo-exclude /md5sum.txt -jigdo-exclude /.disk/ -jigdo-exclude /pics/ -jigdo-exclude 'Release*' -jigdo-exclude 'Packages*' -jigdo-exclude 'Sources*'"
/home/debian-cd/build/debian-cd/../genisoimage -version says:
genisoimage 1.1.10 (Linux)

Reading in package information for s390:
Done: Read details of 29439 packages for s390
Starting to lay out packages into images:
Adding the required directories
Generating the image label and volume id
Adding .disk/base_components
Adding .disk/cd_type
Adding udeb/base includes/excludes
WARNING: Unable to read UDEB_EXCLUDE file /home/debian-cd/build/debian-cd/data/sid/s390_udeb_exclude
Adding docs to CD1
Extracting FAQ on CD1
Adding installtools
Adding README.excluded (some package files were too big)
Adding common docs on CD1
Adding Release files
Trying to add upgrade* directories
(Optionally) making the image bootable for s390:
Running tools/boot/sid/boot-s390 1 /org/cdbuilder.debian.org/src/deb-cd/tmp/Bsids390/wheezy/CD1
--2011-04-25 08:59:55-- https://lophos.multibuild.org/d-i/images/daily/generic/parmfile.debian
Resolving lophos.multibuild.org...
Connecting to lophos.multibuild.org||:443... failed: No route to host.
FAILED: error 4
Failed to start disc 1, error 1024
make: *** [image-trees] Error 9

----- End forwarded message -----
Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK. ***@einval.com
"...In the UNIX world, people tend to interpret `non-technical user'
as meaning someone who's only ever written one device driver." -- Daniel Pead
To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-boot-***@lists.debian.org
with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact ***@lists.debian.org
Archive: http://lists.debian.org/***@einval.com
Philipp Kern
2011-04-25 14:50:01 UTC
Post by Steve McIntyre
Subject: testingcds Bsids390 has failed; log included
Post by Steve McIntyre
Running tools/boot/sid/boot-s390 1 /org/cdbuilder.debian.org/src/deb-cd/tmp/Bsids390/wheezy/CD1
--2011-04-25 08:59:55-- https://lophos.multibuild.org/d-i/images/daily/generic/parmfile.debian
Resolving lophos.multibuild.org...
Connecting to lophos.multibuild.org||:443... failed: No route to host.
FAILED: error 4
Failed to start disc 1, error 1024
make: *** [image-trees] Error 9
Shouldn't that just download from [0]?

Kind regards
Philipp Kern

[0] http://d-i.debian.org/daily-images/s390/daily/generic/
To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-boot-***@lists.debian.org
with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact ***@lists.debian.org
Archive: http://lists.debian.org/***@kelgar.0x539.de
Steve McIntyre
2011-04-25 19:20:02 UTC
Post by Philipp Kern
Post by Steve McIntyre
Subject: testingcds Bsids390 has failed; log included
Post by Steve McIntyre
Running tools/boot/sid/boot-s390 1 /org/cdbuilder.debian.org/src/deb-cd/tmp/Bsids390/wheezy/CD1
--2011-04-25 08:59:55-- https://lophos.multibuild.org/d-i/images/daily/generic/parmfile.debian
Resolving lophos.multibuild.org...
Connecting to lophos.multibuild.org||:443... failed: No route to host.
FAILED: error 4
Failed to start disc 1, error 1024
make: *** [image-trees] Error 9
Shouldn't that just download from [0]?
[0] http://d-i.debian.org/daily-images/s390/daily/generic/
Yup, that *looks* like the fix. Surprised that nobody mentioned the
move to me, or updated debian-cd to match that location.

Building now to check.
Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK. ***@einval.com
Is there anybody out there?
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