Scripts building kernel and initrd images
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Tuan M. Hoang
2016-12-13 01:00:02 UTC
Hi debian-s390,

As far as I learnt from the debian-s390 archive, mainframes 'prefer' to
boot using kernel image (kernel.debian, initrd.debian) rather than from
ISO/CD images.

I would like to learn the code that build up these kernel & initrd
image files, which are located at
If the code is publicly accessible, where should I can find them ? I
guess the code shares some similarities with those building ISO images
on other arch but I don't even know where to get them neither.

Philipp Kern
2016-12-13 20:50:02 UTC
Post by Tuan M. Hoang
As far as I learnt from the debian-s390 archive, mainframes 'prefer' to
boot using kernel image (kernel.debian, initrd.debian) rather than from
ISO/CD images.
I would like to learn the code that build up these kernel & initrd
image files, which are located at
If the code is publicly accessible, where should I can find them ? I
guess the code shares some similarities with those building ISO images
on other arch but I don't even know where to get them neither.
https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/d-i/debian-installer.git/tree/ has the
code. I suppose for ISOs you need

Kind regards
Philipp Kern
