IBM z/VM 6.1 + z/Series + Debian Lenny?
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Andre Felipe Machado
2010-06-30 17:10:01 UTC
Is it possible to install Debian Lenny onto a z/VM 6.1 running on IBM z/Series?
Where could I start to find info and workarounds, as lenny docs does not cite
the newest 6.1 version?
Andre Felipe Machado

PS: I am forwarding a question, being a complete newbie on mainframes.
Stephen Powell
2010-06-30 18:00:02 UTC
Post by Andre Felipe Machado
Is it possible to install Debian Lenny onto a z/VM 6.1 running on IBM z/Series?
Where could I start to find info and workarounds, as lenny docs does not cite
the newest 6.1 version?
PS: I am forwarding a question, being a complete newbie on mainframes.
Well, I am running Debian Lenny in virtual machines under z/VM 5.4.0,
without difficulty, and I know of no reason why it wouldn't work
in z/VM 6.1.0. I am stuck with z/VM 5.4.0 and can't move forward
because z/VM 6.1.0 requires a z10 processor or better, and I'm running
on a z/890 (2086).

What kind of "workarounds" do you need? Have you even tried to install yet?
.''`. Stephen Powell
: :' :
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2010-09-14 10:50:01 UTC
Hi stephen,

I am trying to install Debian Linux on Z/VM. Could you pls help me in
this...... It would bve very helpful....

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Stephen Powell
2010-09-14 13:00:02 UTC
Post by anandhcoe
I am trying to install Debian Linux on Z/VM. Could you pls help me in
this...... It would bve very helpful....
I'll try. What problem are you having?
.''`. Stephen Powell
: :' :
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2010-09-15 02:50:01 UTC
Dear Stephen,

Thanks for your reply.. I have downloaded three iso images of Debian
Linux as debian-505-s390-CD-1.iso, debian-505-s390-CD-2.iso and
debian-505-s390-CD-3.iso !! Then i downloaded the booting files likes
initrd, parmfile.debian, debian.exec and kernel!!!! I have created a Z/VM
image over which i am going to install Debian Linux!!! Thereby i have
transferred all the bootable files to the Z/VM... I don no to proceed
further... Could you pls help on this...

Which file is used as bootable and how to do that....


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Stephen Powell
2010-09-15 18:10:02 UTC
Post by anandhcoe
Thanks for your reply.. I have downloaded three iso images of Debian
Linux as debian-505-s390-CD-1.iso, debian-505-s390-CD-2.iso and
debian-505-s390-CD-3.iso !! Then i downloaded the booting files likes
initrd, parmfile.debian, debian.exec and kernel!!!! I have created a Z/VM
image over which i am going to install Debian Linux!!! Thereby i have
transferred all the bootable files to the Z/VM... I don no to proceed
further... Could you pls help on this...
Which file is used as bootable and how to do that....
If you're installing the Debian GNU/Linux s390 port in a virtual machine
under z/VM, you don't need any CD images. Do you have any experience
running any other Linux distributions under z/VM? If so, your experience
in setting up network connections will be valuable. If not, let me tell
you in advance that getting the network connections to work is the
hardest part of setting up a Linux virtual machine under z/VM. A working
network connection is a *requirement* for a virtual machine installation:
it is not optional. If you don't have any previous experience installing
any Linux distribution under z/VM, I suggest that you read the IBM
publication "Getting Started with Linux on System z", SC24-6096.
The preferred network connection is a virtual switch. See the IBM
publications for details.

Depending on which release of z/VM you are running, it may be important
to have


in the virtual machine's directory entry, as opposed to, say,


On some releases of z/VM, a virtual machine with "MACHINE XA" in its
directory entry *cannot* be switched into z/Architecture mode during
execution, whereas a virtual machine with "MACHINE ESA" in its
directory entry *can* be switched into z/Architecture mode during
execution. The newer kernels do switch into z/Architecture mode
very soon after booting; so if your virtual machine can't make the
switch, you will be "dead in the water". I believe newer releases
of z/VM treat "MACHINE XA" as an alias for "MACHINE ESA", but it's
best to use "MACHINE ESA". Also, make sure your virtual machine
has enough virtual storage. I usually use about 512M for installs,
which should be plenty. I adjust the virtual storage size later
as needed, depending on workload.

The first step is to download the newest installation images you can
find. The last time I tried to use the production Squeeze installer,
it wouldn't even boot. In fairness, that was several months ago; so
maybe that problem has been fixed since then; but in my experience
the newer the installation image, the more likely it is to work.
(By the way, I'm assuming that you want to install Squeeze. I wouldn't
mess with Lenny at this late date. Squeeze is already frozen, and
will become the stable release soon.)

The latest installation images used to be located here:


These images were built on Frans Pop's personal web space on
people.debian.org. But sadly, due to Frans' recent death, these
images are no longer available; and we must look elsewhere.

Logon to the Linux virtual machine and IPL CMS. If you don't
have the FTP client files on the Y disk, LINK and ACCESS
the TCP/IP client disk


Now, FTP to your favorite Debian mirror. For example,

ftp carroll.aset.psu.edu
cd /pub/linux/distributions/debian
cd dists/sid/main/installer-s390/current/images/generic
get debian.exec DEBIAN.EXEC
get parmfile.debian PARMFILE.DEBIAN
binary f 80
get initrd.debian INITRD.DEBIAN
get kernel.debian KERNEL.DEBIAN

Obviously, make sure that the virtual machine (I'll call it DEBIAN1)
has enough space on its "A" disk to download these files. Notice
that we went to the "sid" distribution, not the "squeeze"
distribution, to download the installer files. These are the
latest images that I can find at the moment. Sometimes you
can find images under "experimental" in addition to "sid".
The "experimental" images, if they exist, are generally newer
than the "sid" images, but right now they don't exist.

Now we need to do some post-processing. If you used the

binary f 80

command in the FTP client, as shown above, the "INITRD DEBIAN A"
file and the "KERNEL DEBIAN A" file should be OK. They will be
fixed-length, 80-byte files, padded with binary zeros as necessary
to make the last record exactly 80 bytes long. That's what they
need to be, since we are going to IPL from a virtual card reader.
But the "DEBIAN EXEC A" file and the "PARMFILE DEBIAN A" file
need some work. By virtue of being downloaded under the "ascii"
protocol, as shown above, a translation was made between ASCII
and EBCDIC during download. But the files are not in the final
format that they need to be in.


This sequence of commands will create a "DEBIAN EXEC A" file
in the proper format for execution as an "EXEC" (script) under CMS.
Note that X25 (X'25') is the EBCDIC code for a line-feed character, which
is X'0A' in ASCII, but we must use X25 since the data has already
been translated to EBCDIC.

Now we need to work on the "PARMFILE DEBIAN A" file. Edit the
file with the System Product Editor (XEDIT).


Assuming that you have


in effect, which is the default, the file should look like this:

ro locale=C"

The quotation mark (") at the end of the line represents the
line-feed character (X'25'). This character is not displayable,
so XEDIT substitutes the quotation mark in its place. It is
NOT a literal quotation mark. The first thing we need to do is to issue
some commands on the command line to preserve the data in the file
from unwanted translations:


I recommend running the installer in expert mode;
so issue the following commands:

CHANGE :locale=C:locale=C debconf/priority=low:

Notice that we had to use a non-standard delimiter, the colon in this
case, since the new text contains a forward slash.
Now, before filing the data, make sure that the trailing line-feed
character, X'25', is still there and has not been overlaid by issuing


This will cause the editor to display the file in hexadecimal. The
last two digits displayed (except for trailing blanks, whose code in
EBCDIC is 40) should be 25. The trailing blanks will be stripped off
when the FILE command is issued.


Now, convert the file into the proper format for use by Linux:


This converts the file from EBCDIC back to ASCII and pads it with nulls
as needed to make it a fixed-length, 80-byte file.

Now check your virtual reader to make sure that there are no reader files
that you want to save. The DEBIAN EXEC file that you are about to
run will purge all files from your virtual reader.


When you are ready to begin the install, type


at a CMS "Ready;" prompt. This will spool your virtual punch to your
virtual reader, punch the kernel, parmfile, and initrd images (which get
transferred to the virtual reader), then IPL from the virtual reader.
No CD is required! CDs are used when installing Linux in an LPAR,
but when installing in a virtual machine under z/VM they are not needed.

Perform the first few installation steps in order using the 3215 virtual
console. These steps are as follows:

1. Configure the network device
2. Configure a network using static addressing
3. Continue installation remotely using SSH

Once these steps are done, you must use a remote ssh client to connect
to the virtual server, login to the installation id, and continue the
installation from the network console. I use PuTTY as my remote ssh client
from my Windows workstation. PuTTY is free software and is
available from


When you configure your PuTTY session, be sure to use the UTF-8 character
set (under Window -> Translation) or the graphics characters used by the
installer will look horrible. Once I get Debian installed, I usually
change the locale to en_us via

dpkg-reconfigure locales

shutdown and reboot, then change my PuTTY session to ISO-8859-1.

You may also want to visit my web site at


I have a number of things on that site that may be useful to you, such
as how to implement the dasd diag driver, which I recommend for anyone
running Debian in a virtual machine under z/VM. For more detailed installation
instructions, see the Installation Guide at


This should get you started.
.''`. Stephen Powell
: :' :
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2010-09-16 06:40:02 UTC
Hi Stephen,

Thanks for your valuable thoughts... I have nearly followed all your
steps in installing Debian Linux on Z/VM..

In my case, I am using FTP as the method to access the installation media.
The problem is I am unable to specify the Username/Password to access our
FTP server.

I have attached screenshots of what I have done so far.Kindly help proceed

Thanks in advance for your response..

AK http://old.nabble.com/file/p29725390/Nabble_Forum.odt Nabble_Forum.odt
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Stephen Powell
2010-09-16 14:10:03 UTC
Post by anandhcoe
Thanks for your valuable thoughts... I have nearly followed all your
steps in installing Debian Linux on Z/VM..
In my case, I am using FTP as the method to access the installation media.
The problem is I am unable to specify the Username/Password to access our
FTP server.
It sounds to me like what you have done is create some kind of "in-house"
FTP server. Again, how are you going to get security and volatile
updates if you don't have access to the internet? But ignoring that
problem for the moment, what the Debian installer wants to connect
to is a *Debian mirror*.

A list of public Debian mirrors is available here:


You can choose any of those which support the FTP protocol and the s390
architecture, provided you enter the correct domain name and directory path,
and provided that you entered the IP address of a DNS server during network
configuration that can resolve the name. (If that's the issue, take a
look at the TCPIP DATA file on your VM system and look at the NSINTERADDR
statement(s) for the IP address(es) of DNS server(s).)

It is possible to create an in-house Debian mirror and point the installer
to that, but it doesn't sound like that's what you've done.
Post by anandhcoe
I have attached screenshots of what I have done so far.
Kindly help proceed
I don't have any software installed that can process .odt files.
How about plain text? (In PuTTY, you can copy the current screen
to the clipboard as follows: (1) click on the "icon button" in
the upper left-hand corner of the title bar. From the drop-down
menu, click on "Clear Scrollback", then repeat the process,
clicking on "Copy All to Clipboard" this time. The resulting
text can then be pasted in an e-mail.) Here's an example from my
PuTTY session:


login as: steve
***@'s password:
Linux debian3 2.6.32-5-s390x #1 SMP Wed Aug 25 13:56:36 UTC 2010 s390x

The programs included with the Debian GNU/Linux system are free software;
the exact distribution terms for each program are described in the
individual files in /usr/share/doc/*/copyright.

Debian GNU/Linux comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent
permitted by applicable law.
You have new mail.
Last login: Wed Sep 15 10:42:06 2010 from


The above was extracted from PuTTY via the method described.
.''`. Stephen Powell
: :' :
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2010-09-20 06:00:02 UTC
Hi Stephen,

Thanks for your valuable thoughts... I have nearly followed all your steps
in installing Debian Linux on Z/VM..

In my case, I am using FTP as the method to access the installation media.
The problem is I am unable to specify the Username/Password to access our
FTP server.

I have attached s http://old.nabble.com/file/p29756409/Nabble_Forum.doc
Nabble_Forum.doc creenshots of what I have done so far.Kindly help proceed
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2010-09-22 05:10:01 UTC
Hi Stephen,
http://old.nabble.com/file/p29776158/Nabble_Forum.doc Nabble_Forum.doc
As discussed i have attached the problem in accessing the
debian mirror. Pls do have a look on that and give ur valuable thoughts.
Thanks in advance
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Stephen Powell
2010-09-22 13:10:01 UTC
Post by anandhcoe
Hi Stephen,
http://old.nabble.com/file/p29776158/Nabble_Forum.doc Nabble_Forum.doc
As discussed i have attached the problem in accessing the
debian mirror. Pls do have a look on that and give ur valuable thoughts.
Thanks in advance
Apparently you are not subscribed to debian-s390, nor do you read the
list, because I addressed that in the following post:


Please read this post, all the way to the end. Policy with Debian mailing
lists is to reply to the list only and not to CC the OP unless explicitly
requested. But in this case I will CC you since you apparently did not
get my previous reply.
.''`. Stephen Powell
: :' :
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Andre Felipe Machado
2010-07-02 17:30:02 UTC
Hello, Alexander and Stephen
Thanks a lot for your guidance.
Andre Felipe Machado
There is no difference to the installation on a z/VM 5.x.
Alexander Riedel