Debian 9 on hercules
(too old to reply)
Peter Jansen
2017-11-20 13:00:01 UTC
I too have experienced the installation problem of Debian 9.2.1 on Hercules
ending with the last visible message on the Hercules console log being
"Configure the network device".

Reading the assumption of a possible Hercules bug in this thread, I verified
the Hercules source ("service.c"), and added some extra debugging code. The
result of this (bit more than trivial) exercise is that I cannot find any
problems on the Hercules side of things. The fact that Debian 8.9.0 does
this correctly also reinforces my suspicion that this is probably not a
Hercules bug, but rather a Debian 9 or Debian 9 installer bug.

As a side note, my successful circumvention to obtain a working Debian 9.2.1
s390x installation was to perform it under VM under Hercules. The final
result IPL's just fine under Hercules without VM, using Hercules Spinhawk
3.13 or Hercules 4.0 Hyperion, both the official Hyperion as well as the SDL
Hyperion by "Fish". I am now in the process of (a) trying to find out why
the CTCM device does not always come on-line by itself, sometimes I need to
"shutdown -r now" a few times on the Hercules console, (b) learning how to
do a persistent addition of an LCS device, (c) repeating the same
installation with a QETH device under Hyperion, which works, but also not
always comes on-line by itself, and if it does, ignores the static IP
address setup but goes DHCP instead. I might need to ask for support later,
right now I'm still in the learning phase of things.


Peter J. Jansen
Jerry Heyman
2018-02-06 18:30:02 UTC
I have downloaded the latest Debian 9 DVD ISO for s390x -
debian-9.3.0-s390x-DVD-1.iso - and the installation hang
issue is still present. Is there an actual solution for Debian 9, or can
someone point me to where I can download a
Debian 8 s390x ISO?



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Peter Jansen
2018-02-07 03:20:01 UTC
In the mean time the hang problem has been fixed, on both the official Hyperion and SDL Fish Hyperion forks, and also on my fork of the Spinhawk Hercules (https://github.com/Peter-J-Jansen/spinhawk; a pull request has been issued).

However, installing Debian 9 directly under Hercules still encounters problems with both the CTCI and OSA layer 2 and layer 3 devices. (I will investigate this further after my vacation, and try to find and fix the problem.) Only the installation of Debian 9 under VM works fine. The resulting Debian 9 works fine, also when IPL‘d directly under Hercules.

Peter Jansen

Sent from my iPhone
Post by Jerry Heyman
I have downloaded the latest Debian 9 DVD ISO for s390x -
debian-9.3.0-s390x-DVD-1.iso - and the installation hang
issue is still present. Is there an actual solution for Debian 9, or can
someone point me to where I can download a
Debian 8 s390x ISO?
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